Recent Work

A Series of Two-Sided Product Cards

the ask

Blade-Tech Industries, based in the Cleveland metropolitan area, is a global manufacturer of carry gear for civilian, military, and law enforcement markets. The goal was to create a series of product cards to highlight all Blade-Tech products for use by distributors and government sales channels. The final deliverables would be both full-color printed and digital collateral.

the answer

I created a series of clean and highly effective product cards that included a product overview, features, attachment options, specifications, what's included, and a call to action on both sides. The creative leveraged unique awareness of their product benefits to reach customers directly and efficiently. This helped drive awareness, leads, and ultimately, new business and revenue.

what i did

Creative Direction
Print Graphics

Visual Storytelling
Trade Show Collateral

Corporate Branding
Digital Display Ads

Client: Blade-Tech Industries
Services: Creative Direction, Design
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